Sharp kids pre school follows  Montessori method of education  and provides safe, nurturing and  stimulating environment that fosters the growth and development of young children. Our school provides a great learning experience that prepares children for a lifetime of success and happiness


  • Flexible curriculum
  • Allows the child to learnt at his/her own pace
  • Child is free to discover on his own
  • Scientific method of teaching
  • Reality oriented
  • Specific places for materials sense of order
  • Child-centered learning environment
  • Self-education through self-correcting materials
  • Recognition of sensitive periods in each child
  • Multi-sensory materials to develop specific skills
  • Liberty to move about self and furniture
  • Liberty to speak (without disturbing others) as he please
  • Focus on developing the child’s wholesome personality


  • Rigid curriculum
  • Progresses at teacher’s pace
  • Constant guidance by teacher
  • Non scientific
  • Much role-play and fantasy
  • Random placement – not necessary to return to specific place
  • Teacher-centered environment
  • Use of reward and punishment to motivation
  • All children are treated alike
  • Play materials for non-specific skills
  • Rigid rules not to move furniture and to sit in designated places
  • Silence is on many occasions enforced
  • Focus on imparting maximum quantum of knowledge
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